Soham Healing Services

Our approach to healing is rather unconventional. We firmly believe that healing cannot be done. Healing is an undisturbed flow of energy; a natural state of being that has to be realized by the client himself. Prerequisite for healing is a deep desire & faith in the process, a conviction that there is no anguish that cannot be dissolved, no guilt that cannot be conquered. Jeevan Sahaya, is the lead therapist.

Indeed like all schools of practice, we too use diverse tools & techniques. A brief description of the Soham Healing services:


Meditation is an internal practice and done without any external involvement


forms an important tool to harmonize the Chakras creating unification in the energy field & nadis.

Trauma Healing

is a unique program devised especially for those whose lives have been distressed by certain life situation.

Polarity Therapy

systematic application of knowledge about our body. An alchemy transforming fragmentation to inclusiveness.

Polarity Yoga

Based on the ancient system of Panch-bhuta, the 5-elements and aligning the energy centers.

Community Workshops

Mind n Body awareness through body movement and five Elements is an effective approach.


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Classes & Workshops

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Don’t wait to make the shift to a more holistic approach

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Contact Us


1234 Divi St. #1000
San Francisco, CA 94220

Make an Appointment

Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada feugiat

Open Hours

Monday – Friday: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 3pm – 6pm