Alchemy of Panch-Tattwa

29th - 31st March

A woman is a container – a container of secrets, mysticism and occult knowledge. Her womb is the home for the next world. So this Women’s day let’s bathe in the womb of a natural bamboo forest of Rajaji mountain ranges, Rishikesh.

The retreat Alchemy of Panch-tattwa is a women’s retreat, designed on the principles of POLARITY THERAPY. It is a natural health care system based on the human energy field and its design. Polarity is a three – dimensional field of existence and when manifested, it is experienced as the triune function of energy – positive/negative/neutral, mind/ body/ consciousness and more such experiences.

Polarity manifests in our body and in the world through the balance of GUNAS – density or tamas, intensity or rajas, luminosity or sattva. The natural imbalance of Gunas is Doshas, for Tamas it would be Kapha (dullness), natural imbalance of Rajas is Pittah (agitation) & of Sattva is Vatta (distraction).

In this retreat we observe the harmonious play of the Gunas and the conflicted imbalance of the Doshas. Polarity therapy restores the balance of the two. Universal energy manifests in the world through form or matter and this manifestation is made up of five distinct elements– Earth as the solidity, Water as in fluidity, Fire as an action, Air as the movement & Ether/space which contains them all.

In these 3-days, we will focus on how the Panch-Tattwa affects the physiology and psychology of the feminine principle of life especially when manifested in matter. A woman mirrors the quality of regeneration from Mother Earth, the quality of flow from Water, the traits of resilience from Fire and her wildness from Air element.

Thus in these 3-days we would undertake the sacred voyage of articulating the Five great elements and their influence on our lives.

Benefits of the retreat:

The formation
of Zodiac sign

Learn how to balance & activate the elements.

Understand how the
body is actually made
up of five-elements.

Influence of the Elements
on our personalities
& life situations.

Who is this retreat for:

Women seeking a deeper understanding of themself.

Therapist & Healers

Trauma resolution

Topics covered in the retreat

Sacred Dance

Elemental Body movement

Detailed study of
the five-elements

Discussing the
triune polarity of energy

Studying the zodiac
structure accompanied
by the zodiac card reading

About facilitator

Sahaya Jeevan is a trained Polarity Therapist from Auroville. She has been on her spiritual quest since 1999. Her life took a U-turn upon her visit to the Osho commune in 2004. She set up Soham, a translucent Healing studio in 2007 and since then she has been traveling internationally to learn and practice Healing Arts.

About venue

Aum108 retreat is nestled amongst the natural bamboo forest of Rajaji mountain ranges. Aum108 nurtures the journey of it’s residents for accessing their profound potential, innate intelligence and keen sensitivity to create a peaceful world.

Panch Tattwa Video :

You-tube Videos :


Alchemy of Panch-Tattwa

This March, embrace the feminine principle of life according to Tantra, Ayurveda and Astrology.

Activate your Panch-Bhuta through Elemental dance, Zodiac structure, Study of Elements.

Event 1 :

8th - 10th March
Aum108Retreat, Rishikesh

Event 2 :

29th - 31st March
Aum108Retreat, Rishikesh