Conscious Touch
Touch is crucial to not only express sexuality but also important to communicate ones inner most feelings
Touch is the most intimate medium of communication and a very important part of mans’ evolution. Touch is crucial to not only express sexuality but also important to communicate ones inner most feelings. Though sadly in society touch is losing its significance, mainly because touch is seen as a tool of violence and secondly touch represents intimation which people have always feared!!
Being a touch therapist I can confidently say that touch therapy can be safely & effectively used by professionals & layman. The only requirement is a cleansed mind and a desire to heal. A Touch therapist must be ready to discipline oneself to finely attune the ‘inner antenna’ by which the messages coming from farther reaches of consciousness can be accessed.
After a short period of time a touch-practioner is able to see following therapeutic changes:
- An acceleration of the healing process.
- A well developed general relaxed response within first five minutes.
- A significant reduction in painful symptoms during the therapeutic session.
- Alleviation of psychosomatic ill ness, commonly experienced as aches and pains.
Disease is the body’s way to communicate to the mind that she needs rest, something has to be done. We need to be friends with our bodies. As a touch therapist I will be directing & modulating the healee’s energy field using the sense of touch as a tele-receptor. The lost balance of mind & body must be re-established.

Aspects of touch therapy:
- Energy modulation.
- Assessing the human energy field.
- Energy rebalancing – Recognizing alterations in the human energy system.
- Energy un-ruffling – smooth, clearing, freeing the energy from disturbances.

Contact Us
Sector 19, Chandigarh
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Open Hours
Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm