Some feedback from Associates:
“Please accept our heartiest congratulations and gratitude for delivering an expert program for Faculty Development Program at RBCL, Mohali Campus. We are honored by your presence in the college.”
Prof.(Dr) M S Bains, Director Principal, Rayat & Bahra College of Law.

It was immensely helpful to have Sahaya as our mental health facilitator for the 3-day residential program that she conducted. This program has opened my employees to many new faculties present to support each other & their communities. I wish her success& also recommend her name to my Delhi Organization.”
Ms. Asha Bhayia, Director Jagori Grameen, Dharamsala Hp.

“Sahaya may you travel far off & follow the call of the path. You are undertaking a big role of relieving pain bodies, may you be protected on the path.
Ms. Harleen Kholi, Ex-Director & visionary of CEVA, Chandigarh.

“Thank you for inviting me to your Polarity Therapy workshop. I learned a lot about the dynamics of my life & people involved.”
A participant in an open Public Workshop, Delhi.

“Amazing Program very educative and informative. I hope my community workers will use the information imparted by you. Hope to have you more in our office and for the follow up sessions too.”
Mrs. Param Shergill, Director of Shergill Travels, Chandigarh.

Partial List of Our Customers
☘ Eklavya, Dewas, MP
☘ CEVA, Chandigarh
☘ IDS, Mohali, Punjab
☘ Supreme Furnitutres, Pondicherry
☘ Vardhman Knitting Yarn, Ludhiana, Punjab
☘ Eklavya Trust, Bhopal, MP
☘ Jagori Grahmeen, Dharamsala, HP
☘ Deep Griha Society, Pune
☘ Rayat & Bahra, Mohali, Punjab
☘ SVIET, Baddi, HP
☘ Shergill Travels, Chandigarh
☘ Auroville, Pondicherry
☘ Roots Commune, Hyderabad
☘ Indian Defence Services, Karen Sector, Kashmir
☘ Anannd Utsav, Ahmedabad
☘ Rainbow Educational Society, Hyderabad
☘ MeraQi, Chandigarh

Contact Us
Sector 19, Chandigarh
Make an Appointment
Open Hours
Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm