

  • The path of meditation, a step by step guide to meditation. Osho moves us step by step through preparations for mediation, beginning with purification of the body & how to keep the body free of blockages, to purify the mind & the emotions.
  • Meditation: First & the last freedom, a practical guide to meditation. A practical know how guide, spot lighting over sixty meditation techniques. In addition, Osho also answers questions about the obstacles mediators meet along the way.
  • The book of Secrets, the 4000 year-old Vigyan Bhairav Tantra is an ancient compendium of instruction for 112 awareness techniques that bring us back to the present moment.


  • Maps to Ecstasy by Gabrielle Roth Teachings of an urban Shaman is all about body movement, where movement is meditation, is worship. The book contains exercises & guided imagery work for supporting the healing process of the inner child.
  • The Chakras, which have been likened to flowers with many petals, have been seen & described by many clairvoyant as wheel like vortices. CW Lead beater describes his research into the nature & functions of the chakras in this book published in 1927.
  • You can heal your Life, by Louise L. Hay is a book that all therapists and healers must have in their library. The book deals with the patterns of our lives & how unconsciously we succumb to such patterns & their multi formed manifestations.


  • Health in your hands, Acupressure & natural therapies an Ayurvedic remedial book by Devendra Vora. The book teaches how good health to maintain & prevent old aging.
  • Mind Balancing, A guide to making friends with your body. The book is yet another endeavour by Osho to unite body & mind through the subtlety of meditation.    
  • The healing power of Mudras, the yoga of hands is a profound read by Rajender Menon. The book is about how simple positioning of the five fingers for prescribed periods can rejuvenate the body, heals the mind & lead to spiritual awakening.


  • Time Pass, the memoirs of Protima Bedii. The book derived from her unfinished autobiography, journals, and her letters to family, friends and lovers is a startling frank & passionate memoir. Time Pass is a story of a remarkable woman who had the spirit, the courage& the intelligence to live life entirely on her own terms. 
  • Cave in the Snow by Vicki Mackenzie is a remarkable true story of a young woman in her quest of seeking enlightenment in a woman’s body.
  • Freedom in Exile, The Autobiography of the Dalai Lama of Tibet is an authentic account of how it was to grow up as a revered deity among his own people, talks of his innermost feelings about his role, and reveals the mysteries of Tibetan Buddhism.
  • Daughters of the Ocean, presents countless ancient myths about the great Indian goddess and her manifestations. Shobita Punja retells these age old beliefs & interpreters them in the context of personal significance they have had in contemporary times. 


  • Devi, Tales of the goddess in our time Writer & Journalist Mirnal Pande. This book is dedicated to many women in the author’s life who succeeded beyond the expectations of men. The book is a collective of stories from many women and in each such woman the writer sees the Devi. 
  • The Book of Kali, is a book where Seema Mohanty presents the diverse image of Kali – one of the most unconventional yet immensely popular deities in the Hindu pantheon. Her naked form, associated with violence challenges the very concept of divinity.    
  • The Psychology of Love: Wisdom of Indian Mythology, Taking the reader through the entire journey of love with its tumultuous ups and downs, Rashna Imhasly-Gandhy, a practicing psychologist, helps us understand our psyche, examine our expectations and then reveals what actual love is all about.
  • Greatness of Saturn, A Therapeutic Mythic by Robert E. Svoboda nourishes the spiritual imagination of readers immersing them in powerful, transformative universe of India’s mythic vision.


  • The Book of Mirdad by Mikhail Naimy timeless allegorical is a dialogue between Mirdad & his disciples. The dialogues cover all the important life issues as love, master servant relationship, money, creative silence, repentance, old age.
  • Rinzai, Master of the irrational – Osho speaks on one of the founders of Zen. The book has magical anecdotes with jokes, stories, exquisite haikus and meditations to narrate the simplicity of Zen.


  • The Wisdom of Sands, Sufism: A Way into the Mysteries of Existence. Osho invites us to the world of Sufis, in this world we discover the meaning of trust, the wisdom of heart, the value of letting go.

From the Beyond

  • The Tibetan book of the Dead, first published in 1927. The Tibetan text intends to guide us through, the experiences that the consciousness has after death, during the interval between death and the next rebirth. This interval is known in Tibetan as the bardo. The text also includes chapters on the signs of death, and rituals to undertake when death is closing in, or has taken place.
  • Agora: At the left hand of God is the first book in the Aghora trilogy complied by Dr Robert Svoboda. It presents events from his life, tenets of his philosophy, and highlights from his spiritual practices.
  • The Prophet is a compilation of 26 essays and the best known work of Kahlil Gibran. The essays talk from most mundane lively issues to making the reader be concerned about crucial aspects of life and finally leading up to deeper subjects of death, freedom.   
  • Many lives, Many Masters by Dr, Brian Weiss is a profoundly moving account of one man’s unexpected spiritual awakening. This significantly courageous book has opened the door to a marriage between science and metaphysics.


  • The Essential Rumi, no translator could do greater justice to the gorgeous simplicity of Rumi’s poetry than Coleman Barks. There are poems of love, rage, sadness, pleading, and longing; passionate outbursts about the torture of longing for his beloved and the sweet pleasure that comes from their union; amusing stories of sexual exploits or human weakness; and quiet truths about the beauty and variety of human emotion.
  • Chitra is Rabinder Nath Tagore’s interpretation of an episode of Mahabharata. The play is about a young woman and her quest to woo her beloved. Tagore handles the moving story with great sensitivity & the prose is sheer music.  


  • The four noble truths – formed the part of the first sermon Buddha gave after he was enlightened. “These teachings are the very foundation of Buddhism,  that is why they are so important.
  • From Sex to Super Consciousness, is a book that became world famous, world notorious. The book says there is a way to go beyond sex, you can transcend sex.  Osho shares his vision about the doorway to liberation.

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