Hello community,

As I sit next to my window writing my first blog, I must say that life has been very benevolent – I did not ever have to provide for my or my family survival. My life journey began as a young woman of 22, having a deep desire to explore the wider world beyond the boundaries of what was prescribed by the norms of our traditional society.

At this point let me take an opportunity to introduce my name to my readers, I’m Sahaya Jeevan, this is how I’d like to be known for as long as I inhabit the hearts of my loved ones. At 22, she was frivolous; lightheartedness was her first character trait. A major in psychology’1999 she was at that time pursuing to do her Masters and blessing in disguise she didn’t get through. Or else she would have been a usual Freudian psychologist in a local city clinic. But hey here I’m an alternate therapist, A solo Body worker of our City Beautiful. I have arrived at this junction of life – working from my passion, exploring life in all her dimensions and experiencing my femininity & masculinity in all its colors. Life is beautiful, a gamut of bitter and rich experiences.

Post my graduation, I began doing community theatre. Doing street theatre was adventurous and script writing presented a different perspective into my real life. As I went along came in a need to spread my wings & flap in open air. I was very fortunate to have found a job in Delhi based healing center IFSHA, Intervention for Support Healing & Awareness where my personal journey into self healing began. ‘Healing’ a continuous process, an exceptionally sacred route of which I will write more in latter columns.

Honestly speaking it was in Ifsha that Sahaya was born. It is said that when the disciple is ready the master appears. To a large extend my being is shaped by numerous teachers who at various points of time came along to teach me a crucial lesson. Ever since I started working I had mentors guiding me on every step. I can say with full trust that masters choose me to carry on their work. I’m a mere channel for their work.

From Harleen Kohli, Ceva Chandigarh to Jasjit Purewal, Ifsha Delhi to Dr Nandita Shah, Sharan Auroville these immensely incredible women dedicated to their work have redefined femininity to me. Femininity is about being a nurturer, a mother, spreading love & forgiveness to her surroundings. Yet fully realizing the necessity to be assertive, being emotionally stable, not influenced by distractions, cultivating freedom in her family by freeing herself, first. A woman is not about being submissive or a martyr nor is it about being an aggressor on poor lonely man or powerless children but it is about establishing equilibrium between the robust manhood, the doer in us and the silent creative force, the Shakti.

I am a woman who wants to live life in all its colors, ecstasies. I want to have a romance with life herself, a love affair with the wo/man inside me. I wish to learn more, travel.
Soham Healing studio, flourishes to her maximum potential, and sky is the limit.
In next series I Shall be describing more of my personal healing journey along with shaping of my work.

Your comments & queries are welcome
In celebration
Sahaya Jeevan